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I'm an oil painter based in east Tennessee who specializes in landscapes and cityscapes. I see the world with the volume turned up, celebrating the beauty around us in urban and natural environments. You can purchase my original paintings and commission me for custom artwork from my online portfolio.
What's New
Hey Folks! In addition to an ongoing residential renovation that's affecting my home-based studio, I've also been dealing with some pretty significant aging parent issues to start 2025. Both of my parents suffered serious falls in recent months that landed them in hospitals and in skilled nursing facilities. In early March, my Dad died. As their primary caregiver, it's been a very challenging time. I will have upcoming events and new paintings to share with you in the months ahead.
My next art show will be the Rtitenhouse Square Fine Art Show in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania during the weekend of June 6-8, 2025. Learn more...